Sunday, November 2, 2008

बसपा और लोकदल में लोकसभा चुनाव की लडाई हुई और तेज़

लोकसभा चुनाव जैसे जैसे पास आ रहे हैं सभी दल अपनी ज़मीन तलाश रहे है।

लेकिन अबके लोक सभा चुनावो में दो दलों की सधी टक्कार का अंदेशा है और दोनों दल अभी से अपनी एडी चोटी का दम लगा रहे हैं और अबका चुनाव ब्राहमण और जाटों के वोट होंगे निर्णायक

In pictures: Assam bomb blasts

In pictures: Assam bomb blasts

Dozens of people have been killed in a series of bomb explosions in India's north-eastern state of Assam. More than 150 others were injured, mostly in the main city of Guwahati.

Eighteen bombs went off within an hour. Ten of the explosions happened in busy areas in Guwahati, with others in major towns.

Angry crowds attacked the police with stones after the blasts in Guwahati. Dozens of people were hurt in the clashes, which took place as the inured were being taken to hospitals.

India has been rocked by a number of explosions recently, many of them blamed on local Islamist groups. Blasts in Assam have usually been blamed on separatists


New Inventions

In U.S. they invented a machine that catches thieves;
they took it outto different countries for a test.

In U.S.A, in 30 minutes, it caught 20 thieves;

In UK , in 30 minutes itcaught 50 thieves; Spain , in 30 minutes it caught 65 thieves;

Ghana ,in 30 minutes it caught 600 thieves;

Malaysia, in 15 minutes the machinewas stolen.

Dhule Riots: Muslims saved Mandir and Hindu brethren

Dhule Riots: Muslims saved Mandir and Hindu brethren Posted on October 18, 2008 When Dhule was burning and when the town was ruled over by the marauders day in and day out, in Azad Nagar, the Muslims in this Muslim dominated area were assuring the Hindus of their safety। They even saved the Mandir from the rioters who according to them came from outside।

Click on the link for Exclsuive Video and complete story dhule_riots_ muslim_saved_ manidr_and_ hinud_brethren. htm

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

दिखने लगी है अब जाटों में भी एकता.

लोक सभा चुनाव आते ही दिखने लगी है सभी जाटों में एकता और अब लगने लगा है की ईस बार कुछ दिगाजों को भी इश बार कुछ उल्टे परिणाम देखने पड़ सकते हैं। और हर बार की तरह पंडितों में एकता नही दिखाई दे रही है , मथुरा के इतिहास में ये पहली बार होगा की लोक सभा के लिए भाजपा और कांग्रेस की बजाये लडाई राष्ट्रीय लोक दल और बहुजन समाज पार्टी में हो रही है। और बसपा को भितरघात का डर अभी से लगने लगा है और जाटों की एकता ने इश बार सभी समीकरण बिगड़ दिए है । लोक सभा के बसपा प्रत्याशी श्याम सुंदर शर्मा को ये चुनाव में मथुरा विधान सभा के चुनावो का परिणाम भी दिखना पड़ सकता है।

Saturday, September 20, 2008

बसपा की रैली में जन सेलाब उमडा .

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Monday, August 25, 2008

37 World, 77 Olympic records broken as Games go on in Beijing

Announcing this, Liu Wenbin, deputy director of Sports Department of the Beijing Organizing Committee of the 29th Olympic Games (BOCOG), told media persons that 80 delegations had made it to the medal standings and among them, 50 had struck gold.
Li added that 237 golds, 238 silvers and 273 bronzes had been awarded till Thursday.
Anti-doping is also going smoothly during the Games, said International Olympic Committee spokeswoman Giselle Davies at the same conference.
Davis announced that 4620 doping tests had been done, of which 3681 were urine tests and 939 blood.
Wang Wei, executive vice president and secretary general of BOCOG, said that up to this Friday, 408,271 tickets for the Paralympics had been sold, with 30,418 tickets sold on Thursday alone.

श्री कृष्ण जेल में भी हो रही है .

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Letter thrLetter threatens terror attack on temples on Janmashtamieatens terror attack on temples on Janmashtami

New Delhi, Aug 20 (IANS) The Central government has received an anonymous letter threatening a terror attack on temples across the Nation during the Hindu festival of Janmashtami Aug 24, official sources said Wednesday.
'The anonymous letter, received at the Delhi Secretariat Tuesday evening, threatens terror attacks on temples in the city during Janmashtami by Kashmiri militants,' an official source told IANS.

Janmashtami is celebrated every year as the day of birth of Lord Krishna.
'Though the letter bears a postal stamp, it is not clear from where it was sent. It has been forwarded to the home department,' the source added.
Repeated attempts to contact the home secretary, however, failed.
Rajan Bhagat, Delhi Police public relation officer, said: 'We have not received any such letter from the Delhi government as yet. But security has already been beefed up at temples across the capital.'
'Security has been increased in consultation with temple authorities. Security personnel have been deployed. Door Frame Metal Detectors and CCTVs have been installed at various temples,' said Bhagat.
Delhi's Lieutenant Governor Tejinder Khanna also sent a letter to temples, mosques and gurdwaras urging them to beef up security, especially during the festive season, in the wake of recent terror attacks in Bangalore and Ahmedabad.
'We received a letter last week from the lieutenant governor, appealing to us to take steps to increase security around religious places during the festival season, especially on occasions when there are large crowds,' said V.K. Mishra, the administrator in charge at the capital's Laxmi Narayan temple, popularly called Birla Mandir.
'The letter said that terror outfits are making religious places their easy targets and steps should be taken to ensure security at temples, mosques and gurdwaras,' said Mishra.
The Birla temple management has already written to Delhi Police for extra personnel during the Janmashtami festival.
'We have increased the demand for security personnel this year and have asked for 3,000 police staff, including women cops, round the clock on Janmashtami,' Mishra said.
The temple has already put up 16 CCTV cameras and two metal detectors to keep a close watch on visitors, he added.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Live video at Braj Mahotsav

wen Kailsah kher sings all get meshmarisd and with held in new arena
of sufi and holy visit of love n devine

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

How to reach Mathura, Brajbhoomi and Vrindavan:

By Air

The nearest airport is Agra which is 66 km away and is well connected to Delhi, Khajuraho and Varanasi by regular flights by Indian Airlines and other private airline services.

By Rail

Mathura Junction is well connected to Delhi by numerous trains including the Punjab Mail and Taj Express, to Mumbai by the August Kranti and Mumbai Rajdhani and to Kolkata by the Toofan Express. The Lucknow-Agra Express also finds Mathura in its route.By RoadMathura and Vrindavan are well connected with Agra, Delhi, Bharatpur, Alwar and Lucknow by well maintained road.Local TransportBuses run by the UPSRTDC taxis (can be hired from the taxi stand opposite the District Hospital), auto-rickshaws, cycle-rickshaws and tongas (rates negotiable), are the main means of transportation.


Located within the Krishna-Baldev Temple premises, the temple wall is adorned with exquisite paintings and carvings depicting the life of Lord Krishna. Beautiful architecture, carved arches and immense spirituality make the place a divine destination in Vrindavan. Be prepared to listen to 'Hare Krishna' as everybody you will meet inside the temple premise will greet you with these two words.Madan Mohana Temple, Radha-Ballava Temple, Radha-Damodara Temple and Radha-Gopinath Temple are some of famous temples of Vrindavan which you should not miss while you are in Vrindavan.

Govindaji Temple

Built in 1590, this ancient temple of Vrindavan has a number of fascinating stories to tell. The original Govindaji Deity was removed from this temple and kept in Jaipur when Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb tried to destroy it. This magnificent temple houses a spectacular marble altar adorned with gold and silver and hold the idols of Govindaji in the middle, Lord Chaitanya to His left and Lord Nityananda to His right. A sculptured lotus flower weighing several tons decorates the main hall of the temple and demands a careful look from your side.

Vishram Ghat

It is the most important bathing ghat in Mathura. Lord Krishna is said to have rested here after killing Kamsa, the tyrant king of Mathura. The 'Aarti' being offered in the morning and evening at the riverside is a visual treat to the eyes. It is believed that bathing in the Yamuna on the second day of Kartik is very meritorious which is known as Yama Dwitiya.

Shri Krishna Janma Bhoomi (The Birth Place Of Lord Krishna)

A vast temple complex situated in the heart of Mathura is one of the foremost places of Hindu veneration. It contains many smaller temples among which lies the age old prison of tyrant king Kamsa where Lord Krisha was born in order to save the universe from all evils. You have to be patient and maintain the long queue before entering into the narrow prison. The temple had been destroyed number of times in the ages of Mohammed Gazni, Sikander Lodi and Aurangzeb but had been restored every time. You have to undergo a security checking at the gate and we request you to co-operate with the guards. You will be asked to leave you mobile phone outside the premises.

City of Vrindavan

Vrindavan, just 15 km from Mathura, is another major place of pilgrimage. It is noted for its numerous temples - both old and modern. The name Vrindavan evokes the playfulness and lovable characteristics of Shri Krishna. This is the wood where he frolicked with the gopis and tenderly wooed Radha.Vrindavan today, is noted for its numerous temples. It is understood that Mathura City is the transcendental abode of Lord Krishna. It is not an ordinary material city, for it is eternally connected with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Vrindavan is within the jurisdiction of Mathura and still continues to exist. Because Mathura and Vrindavan are intimately connected with Krishna eternally, it is said that Lord Krishna never leaves Vrindavan (vrindavanam parityajya padam ekam na gacchati). At present the place known as Vrindavana in the district of Mathura, continues its position as a transcendental place and certainly anyone who goes there becomes transcendentally purified.

City of Mathura

Mathura is a holy city in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. It was also spelt as Muttra during the British Period. It is located approximately 50 km north of Agra, and 150 km south of Delhi. It is the administrative centre of Mathura District of Uttar Pradesh. During the ancient period, this was an economic hub, located at the junction of some relatively important caravan routes.Mathura is reputed to be the birthplace of Krishna, Krishnajanmabhoomi. The Keshav Dev temple was built in ancient times on the site of Krishna's legendary birthplace (an underground prison). As per epic Mahabharata, Mathura was the capital of the Surasena Kingdom, ruled by Kansa the maternal uncle of Krishna.Mathura is also famous as one of the first two centres of production for images of the Buddha (the other being Gandhara in present-day Pakistan/Afghanistan). Human images of the Buddha began to appear approximately at the same time (1st Century AD) in both centers but can be distinguished from one another as the Gandharan images are very clearly Greco-Roman in inspiration with the Buddha wearing wavy locks tucked up into a chignon and heavier toga-like robes whereas the Buddha figurines produced in Mathura more closely resemble some of the older male fertility gods and have shorter, curlier hair and lighter, more translucent robes.The city is mentioned in the Sherlock Holmes story "The Sign of Four."
Covering an area of about 3,800 sq. km., today, Brajbhoomi can be divided into two distinct units - the eastern part in the trans-Yamuna tract with places like Gokul, Mahavan, Baldeo, Mat and Bajna and the western side of the Yamuna covering the Mathura region that encompasses Vrindavan, Govardhan, Kusum Sarovar, Barsana and Nandgaon.The land of Braj starts from Kotban near Hodel about 95 km from Delhi and ends at Runakuta which is known specially for its association with the poet Surdas, an ardent Krishna devotee.Shri Krishna, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, was born in the Dwapara Yuga as the eighth son of the Yadava prince Vasudev and his wife Devaki. To save him from the murderous intentions of his maternal uncle Kansa, the ruler of Mathura, the infant Krishna was spirited away soon after birth to Gokul, the village of the gopas (cowherds) in Braj (their pastureland). It was here that he grew to manhood, in the tender care of his foster parents Nand and Yashoda in the happy company of the cowherds.

History Of Mathura

Mathura has an ancient history. As per the ASI plaque at Mathura museum, the city finds mention in the oldest epic Ramayana. In the epic, the Ikshwaku prince Shatrughna slays a deamon called Lavanasur and claims the land in Aryan fold. The place hence came to be known as Madhuvan as it was thickly wooded, Madhupura and later Mathura. Deeper research shows us that the deamon that Shatrughan killed in Ramayana was Lavanasur who was the progeny of a devout king Madhu who gets Lord Shiva's Trident in a boon in the puranas. The Puranas ascribe the founding of the city to Ayu, the son of Pururuvas and celestrial nymph Urvashi. The city might also have got its name from a famous Yadav king Madhu who reigned in around 1600BCIn the 6th century BC Mathura became the capital of the Shursen republic. The city was later ruled by the Maurya empire (4th to 2nd centuries BC) and the Sunga dynasty (2nd century BC). It may have come under control of the Indo-Greeks some time between 180 BC and 100 BC. However, it would then have briefly reverted to Indian rule before being occupied by the Indo-Scythians during the 1st century BC. Archaeological evidence seems to indicate that, by 100 BC, there was a group of Jains living in Mathura [Bowker]. Mathura Art form and cluture reached its Zenith under the Kushan dynasty which had Mathura as one of their capital, the other being Purushpur( Peshawar). The dyanasty had kings with the name of Kadphises, Kanishka, Huvishka and Vasudeva. All the Kushans were patrons of Buddhism except Vasudeo ( mentioned on coins as BAZODEO). Kanishka even hosted the third Buddhist council. The first two being hosted by Ajatshatru and Ashoka the Great. The headless statue of Kanishka is placed in Mathura museum and ranks among the most amazing sculptures unearthed.Megasthenes, writing in the early 3rd century BC, mentions Mathura as a great city under the name Μέθορα (Méthora).Mathura served as one of the Kushan Empire's two capitals from the first to the third centuries. The Mathura Museum has the largest collection of redstone sculptures in Asia, depicting many famous Buddha figurines. In 634 Xuanzang had visited the Mathura town. He went east to Jalandhar in eastern Punjab, before climbing up to visit predominantly Theravada monasteries in the Kulu valley and turning southward again to Bairat and then Mathura, on the Yamuna river.The city was sacked and many of its temples destroyed by Mahmud of Ghazni in 1018 and further by Sikandar Lodhi who earned the epithet of 'But Shikan- The destroyer of idols) The Keshav Dev temple was partially destroyed by the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb, who built the city's Jami Masjid (Friday mosque) on the same site, re-using many of the temple's stones. It was won over from the Mughals by the Jat kings of Bharatpur but subsequently the area got passed on to the Marathas.The main Krishna shrine is presently the Dwarkadeesh temple, built in 1815 by Seth Gokuldas Parikh, Treasurer of Gwalior.

The City of Mathura, in Uttar Pradesh, the nucleus of Brajbhoomi...

The term ‘Braj’ does not refer to an area with clearly defined boundaries and has never been used as the official name of a political territory or administrative division. It is derived from the Sanskrit vraja, which is used in the oldest accounts of Krishna’s childhood to mean ‘an enclosure or station of herdsmen’. Modern pundits, however, define it as ‘a place where cows roam’, thereby endorsing the use of ‘Braj’ as a name for the countryside in which Krishna grazed his cattle and in which all the sacred places associated with his early years are located.

Krishna balram

bal ram krishna Dono bhai ek saath

this is an explosive proformance

shreya ghosal at its best

on camra murder of a gal who does not give ransom

Time Is Now Or Never


Wat we do in past is now result in terrorism.
which really hurted us now days.
we have to start active to save our nation,
we don have any right to blame our government bcoz we all are not active so we can help yourself.
terrorism in any nation is supported by their citizens.
these citizens is from no caste, they are actually cowards.
who tried to attack their families too by hurting others.
stop all this plz before its too late.
this is the time to save our nation
i am inviting u all to came wid me plz came along to save it.
don blame nation n police for it.
we have to fight for yourself.